Beka says :Who’s Elsa ? Introduce us !
Elsa has been a friend of yours for as long as you remember. You both entered Chimaera High at the same time, and luckily you ended up both in the Phoenix House.
Some of her quirks make you uncomfortable, like her peculiar interpretation of “personal space”… But at the same time, you can’t help but being envious of her. She is adventurous and confident and sexy, while you are the timid, boring bookworm. She’s been trying to “get you out of your shell”, as she says, for some time now. You sometimes wonder why she keeps trying.
Parry says :If you’ve opened up to Elsa about your dream already, why not ask her and Max if they’ve had any similar dreams.
You never told Elsa about the dreams. She’d probably dismiss them as “childish”, and/or suggest her usual “cure” for everything.
Thestooge :Ask her if she wants to build a snow man.
You break into a catchy, if somewhat repetitive musical number. You ask Elsa if she wants to build a snowman through the door of her room, where your parents locked her up. After giving her horrible advice for years, they leave and get predictably killed in a shipwreck. Elsa is now a psychologically broken, ticking time bomb, while you… errr…
Wait, no. Wrong Elsa.
Guest D says :Tell/complain to Elsa not to sneak up on you again. You JUST finished opening up about the dream to Amberhorn, do you really think you can take anymore stress right now ? :
“So, um. Could you… not jump on me like that ? You scared me.”
Elsa snickers. “I could tell ! But you know this is spring break, right ? You’re supposed to relax, for Twins’ sake.”
“I’m fine. Just overworked, I guess.”
“Tsk tsk. I’m concerned about you, you know. All work and no play makes Alice a dull girl ; you need to blow off steam sometimes. I bet you’re staying here to work on stuff during the holidays too ?”
There was a hint of reproach in that question… but you have nothing to be ashamed of. “Yes, I am. Why ?”
“Thought so. I have juuuuust the solution to your problems.”
You roll your eyes. “Let me guess, a partner ?”
“Oh dear no. You told me enough times how little time you have to invest in relationships, Alice.”
Well now, that‘s a surprise. Elsa has been trying to hook you up with various people, both boys and girls, for a while. Maybe she’s finally giving up on you ? You’re not sure whether to feel sad or relieved.
“What you need, sweetie, is a more casual fling. Just having a couple hours of fun here and there to work out pent up stress. And I just happen to know a well hung stallion who is also staying for the holidays, while his fuckbuddy is going home. I was gonna have fun with him myself, but you, girl, are in dire need of a nice, deep dicking.”
Raafkauw says :You could stay and chat a little while if you’re up for it, but from your expression it looks like you’re not. If that’s the case, tell her to keep it short, as you still have to return that book before the library closes.
Ew, gross. You step away from Elsa.
“No nono nono no no. I want my relationships to mean something. I’m really not interested in having… “casual flings”. I leave that kind of stuff to you. No offense.”
“None taken. You’re such a prude, darling.”
You quickly change the subject. “I, um… I really have to go, Elsa. I must return a book to the library.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll have to entertain my friend myself. I still need to ask you for a small favor before you go.”
This isn’t like Elsa to ask for favors. Well not from you, anyway. You decide to hear her out.
“You see, I need some ethereal dust. I could buy some at the Apothecary, but I’ve already spent all my allowance. I was hoping you could buy it for me, and I would pay you back next week.”
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Sorry for the long delay, I pretty much spent July battling depression.
Also made a slight alteration to Alice’s fur pattern. That middle stripe stopping in the middle of nowhere always bugged me ^^
First: what is ethereal dust?
Second: do you dare hazard a guess why Elsa wants it?
Third: do you have any money on hand?
Fourth: this isn’t some convoluted scheme of Elsa’s to get you “hooked up” with someone at the Apothecary, is it?
Fifth: what are those little candies you keep snacking on?
Yep,I second 1-4, but i have no idea of what these candies are.
Sixth: who are “the Twins” that Elsa mentioned?
You should always help your friends out, even if you think they’re strange! That’s just how she shows she cares about you!
maybe the dream is an indication u need a partner or maybe a lifelong one. Perhaps she has pent up feeling for a teacher or classmate and the dream is saying go for it/
I don’t get the snowman joke. Is it some kind of “Frozen” reference?
Tell her that’s fine, BUT it’s gunna have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Too much to do in to little time. Focus on getting to the library, and on the meeting tomorrow.
Elsa might not understand your stance on relationships, but she means well. why not at least agree to talk to the guy? who knows, you might make a new friend that way. you can always let him know your not interested in any kind of physical relationship.
Ok the while dicking proposal made me laugh SO hard. Even your last comic work, something so straightforward came as a big surprise. X3
Actually I was thinking about you two.. No not quite like that. The whole “has to mean something” thing. As a guy who waited for 27 years (including two military deployments) before connecting to some one worth the time. I can see both sides of the argument. To be fair to her, even a fling can have deep meaning of its own. While not saying you should jump this random probably-too-much-for-you guy. There is no harm with more friendly than normal attachments developed. There are such things as friends with benefits. Still, wether or not she has a point about the benefits of getting it on, great respect to your standing your ground on the topic.
You should lend her the money. Though I have a bad feeling about giving her the money.
If she’s never asked for a favor from you before then it seems a little odd that she’s doing it NOW. Ask her why she needs it first. If Elsa doesn’t tell you, then it’s probably not a good idea…
I second that!
Offer to help her out with this, IF she will listen to your predicament with honest ears.
Think about Elsa’s offer, whether she’s payed you back in the past and whether she’s made a habit of asking for money because she’s spent all of her’s…
… but then get distracted by the envisioning of the stallion she mentioned
With your father issues combined with low interest in either girls or boys… have you considered you have an Electra complex? Could the female in your dream actually be an adult version of yourself?
1) Tell us who/what “the Twins” Elsa mentioned are.
2) Elsa wants you to buy “ethereal dust” for her? Don’t be a drug mule Alice! If Elisa wants some PCP, she can get it herself!
Blindly accept and get to that book to the library